Thursday, May 3, 2007

Rain and Sleet

Larry is still in Oregon and road 80 miles yesterday. He had to endure rain and sleet, but made it safely to his destination. He said that it is a very rugged, mountainous coast that is very remote with very few services or places to stay. Cedar is logged in this area and he was passed by many trucks on narrow roads hauling lumber. He said that was not very fun. The temperatures have been in the high 50's and low 40's.

Tomorrow will be one of his toughest days of the trip. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Lauren O'Reilly said...

Thoughts of you today....and everyday that you'll be riding your dream. I can't wait to hear how you are?! Sorry the weather sucks, but you're more than prepared for it, heck I could barely even lift that bike. All my love, and Alexis loves you too.

leigh said...

Dad, You rock! Hang in there. One day at time! We love you and are thinking of you all the time.


Cory said...

I'm sorry the weather is not better for you in Oregon, but like the weather in Mo. it will change. I hope you are taking in my lovely state, breathe the air, smell the pines, enjoy the mountains and streams. I wish I were there as I miss it very much, not that Mo is a bad place its just not Ore.
Good luck,
Team 67

Unknown said...

Larry use your time productivley. Visualize quail rising up out of the grass and the differecne between them and meadowlarks. If you do this for a few months its bound to stick. DOug, Jerry and I are all rooting for you.